#8: Ones to Watch
October, 2014: The Merchandise Mart, Chicago
We were busy. Very busy.
We cranked out projects, the team continued to grow. The business grew at such a pace over the years of 2011 to 2014 that we landed on the Inc 500 list for fastest growing private companies. That was a welcome surprise.
Yet there is nothing like being recognized by your peers.
Then one day, we got the call. The showrooms in the Merchandise Mart - from Holly Hunt to Schumacher to Lee Jofa to Baker - had voted us the Ones to Watch. The epicenter of interior design in the midwest had recognized us - out of thousands of designers who used the Mart - as a design firm going somewhere. That was a pinch me moment.
When the ones who interface with you everyday think you're a star on the rise, it means something.