Project Muse
The directive was bright and cheery. Our client loved blue; there was no shade she wouldn’t entertain. She equally loved blush especially when paired with blue. And wallpaper and harlequin floors and moody dining rooms.
There were so many fabulous jumping off points feeding the ethereal yet approachable design scheme that it came to no one’s surprise when we were told in the initial design presentation that we had “nailed it”.
Noteworthy Moment
The entire project unfolded from design kick off to final installation in a matter of six weeks. It is a feat that I think is fair to say very well may be a one-time event in our career.
But when out on a mission involving compromised health, a global pandemic and a young family desperately needing roots, the stars somehow find it in themselves to align. And that they did.
Every fabric shipped within days. Every worker showed up in the midst of hairy times. As we ripped out floors and walls, we held our breath knowing there was no room for a misstep. Yet the palettes of tile arrived on time, the wood paneling was all cut to the correct size, the antique and custom pieces showed up in perfect condition.
If we are in the business of making people happy, we left this home at 9 pm on the final night of installation knowing we had done perhaps the best work of our career.
Noteworthy Moment
(Following the successful Hinsdale Housewalk of 2021) “You and your team created the energy in this house, and yesterday we got to share and celebrate it! I hope you felt as special as we did the day we moved in. You both are so incredibly talented and kind and you deserved ALL the praise yesterday! Thank you for being a part of our story. I cannot wait to keep making magic with you both!!!!”